28 – 30 March 2019; Lucerne: Boat cruise on Lake Lucerne

On Saturday, the principal town squares of Lucerne were packed for the weekly market. Chris went out in search shopping excitement while I was working on the blog update from Mount Pilatus. The weather was perfect and the sidewalks were choked with alfresco diners enjoying the sunshine and blue skies.

View to our accommodation from across the River Reuss

In the afternoon, we joined a boat cruise on Lake Lucerne and listened to a lively commentary (in English) while doing a lap of the lake.

Lake Lucerne boat cruise 1
Lake Lucerne boat cruise 2
Lake Lucerne boat cruise 3

As we were approaching the wharf near the end of our cruise, I was bonked on the head by a wayward selfie stick. It didn’t really hurt but it did spur me on to grab a picture of Chris and myself enjoying the last of the boat cruise and the perfect weather and stunning scenery – and it was also the first selfie of this trip. 🙂

Lake Lucerne boat cruise selfie

Tomorrow we depart Lucerne by bus for Zurich; our final stop on this trip.

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