Almost out the door …

Our bags have been squeezed closed and we’re just about ready to go. Only one more sleep before we depart by train for Sydney International Airport to begin the long haul uphill to Europe via Dubai.

Europe 2019 Overview
Europe 2019 Stopovers

The attached document lists our itinerary, stopover cities with accommodation & travelling mobile contact details and the principal transportation sectors. Feel free to download a copy for your fridge.

Itinerary – Italy, France and Switzerland 20 Feb – 4 Apr 2019

It is my plan to provide regular posts on our travels as I did for our trip to the UK and Ireland in 2016. I don’t have a Facebook account.

I’d like to welcome new subscribers to the Worktime travel blog. Feel free to share your comments and browse our posts from previous trips.

Many thanks to Kerry Nolan for her professional advice in planning and booking our flights and trains. Chris handles route planning and accommodation and I assist with luggage and negotiating with the natives. Google will be providing translation and orienteering services.

6 thoughts on “Almost out the door …”

  1. Have a safe and wonderful trip Chris and Greg! I can’t wait to follow the updates!! ♡

    1. Thanks Danrie. This trip has been a long time coming and Chris has worked hard to assemble all the pieces into a coherent plan. We’ll be as safe as we can. Greg

  2. Travel safely. I will follow your adventures from my lounge chair. Try not to be led astray by the lure of exotic places!

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