12 April 2016; Cambridge to Oxford

Today we transitted from Cambridge to Oxford. The weather started out poorly. It was pouring as we waited for the bus to take us into central Cambridge to connect with our bus to Oxford. We had decided to make a connection via bus as the train would have required a detour via London; a more expensive and time consuming option. However, our X5 Stagecoach bus from Cambridge turned out to be a city based double decker (no toilet, no Wi-Fi, no leather seats, etc) due to a mechanical failure. It was interesting travelling in a double decker bus being flogged at 100 km/hr along the A421 motorway to Bedford. At Bedford we changed to a proper coach and completed our transit to Oxford in “coach” comfort.

Arriving in Oxford mid-afternoon amidst overcast conditions we set off for our accomodation. Our plans and map directions were working well until we hit a wall (literally). Without regard to Google maps or iPhone GPS enabled apps, some idiot had decided to excavate a whole city block for a grand infrastructure project and hadn’t bothered to send me a personal e-mail advising of the requisite bypass via London. (Bloody Vogons!) After some discussion with locals we were able to find a detour around the abyss and locate our lodgings. To add salt to the wound, it POURED for the last 200 metres, such that we arrived very much the worst for wear.

Note; the picture below was taken on Wednesday 13 April and does not represent the inclement conditions that were present upon our initial arrival. 🙂

Oxford - home sweet home
Oxford – home sweet home

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