10 April 2016; Cambridge – foot loose

Today we visited the Cambridge Centre for Computing History and the Fitzwilliam Museum and finished with dinner at a local pub – The Carpenters Arms.

The weather was clear and cold but with patches of sunshine which necessitated the use of sunglasses – having only been required a few times since our arrvial.

The Centre for Computing History was variously a collection of electronic junk or a treasurehouse of antiques charting the development of computing since the 1940s. There was a definate intent for interactive use of the devices on display that were operational. Chris and I lost at Space Invaders, PacMan and numerous other games that invloved jumping, shooting, dodging and other motor skills that we’ve long since lost.

Computing History - Too many consoles
Computing History – Too many consoles
Computing History - Apple IIe
Computing History – Apple IIe

We moved onto the Fitzwilliam Museum and spent the afternoon strolling among art works spanning the last 800 years and a special exhibit of Egyptian antiquities.

Cambridge Cherry Blossoms
Cambridge Cherry Blossoms
Cambridge - Chris among the cherry blossoms
Cambridge – Chris among the cherry blossoms

Thanks to those who have posted comments. It provides feedback and lets us know that we’re not broadcasting into a black hole. 🙂

We started planning tommorrow’s activities over our dinner at the pub but haven’t made any firm decisions about what to do as yet. That’s what’s good about holidays – you can elect to be free to decide what you’d like to do and when to do it. You’ll just have to be patient till tomorrow to see what we decided to do.

5 thoughts on “10 April 2016; Cambridge – foot loose”

  1. Noice! Compare that pic with the other one from the 80s and see how much the IIe has changed. ?

    Need suggestions? Prob not but I did a water tour (by punt) which was pretty interesting. Included the bridge of Sighs and the Backs. Lovely day and the gardens were amazing at the time. Also did a good walking tour. Went to Grantchester…becasue of the tele program…and had scones and T at a wee cafe but the scones were too dry to be nice. Now I wish I had a blog to help me remember. My diary is at home!

    Have a great unplanned day. Just too much to do in that place!

    We’re off to Hawkes Nest for a little drive adventure ourselves. Seems like we are all explorers today!

    Chris xxx

  2. Hi guys!!!

    I am loving the updates!

    This post’s title totally had me this singing in my head while reading the post:

    “Now I gotta cut loose, footloose
    Kick off your Sunday shoes
    Please, Louise, pull me off of my knees
    Jack, get back, come on before we crack
    Lose your blues, everybody cut footloose”
    (Here is a link to enjoy the sweet-sweet tunes too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFWDGTVYqE8)

    It looks like an amazing holiday so far!! The Cambridge Centre for Computing History looks like a very fun place to visit! I bet all of your kids would have enjoyed that one! 😉


  3. …totally had me singing this… *

    Perhaps less singing while typing in the future Danrie… ahahah

  4. No, Greg, you are not sending messages out into the great black hole – I’m following them with interest and a lot of envy (only over the historical stuff and landscapes – not the computer stuff!!)
    Stay well. Travel safely.

    1. Thanks Dianne,
      I wasn’t directing my electron gun at you specifically 🙂 but I’m glad that the electrons are able to reach you there at Miller’s Forrest.
      I’m just as happy wandering about in buildings dating back to AD 700 as looking at the VLSI layout of an ARM microprocessor. I understand the latter but am emotionally connected to the former.
      We’re as safe as we can be.
      Love greg xox

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