8 April 2016; Newcastle-Upon-Tyne to Cambridge

Today we transited from Newcastle-Upon-Tyne to Cambridge by train. There was some incident at Peterborough that delayed our train by more than 30 minutes and we were concerned about making the connection – but we made the connection, and despite the crowded carriages, we eventually arrived at Cambridge.  We took a bus and then walked several hundered metres to our lodgings in Cambridge.

Our accomodation in Cambridge is an AirBnB lodging on the third floor of a rather indescriminate flat along Victoria Road. In the following images I’ve titled these as rooms; rather they are spaces; a few square metres of floor space allocated to a particular function.

Cambridge - home sweet home
Cambridge – home sweet home
Cambridge - kitchen
Cambridge – kitchen
Cambridge - living room
Cambridge – living room
Cambridge - sleeping quarters
Cambridge – sleeping quarters
Cambridge - utility room
Cambridge – utility room

2 thoughts on “8 April 2016; Newcastle-Upon-Tyne to Cambridge”

  1. Bnbs are great, aren’t they? Staying in someone else’s place, talking with the locals, getting the good suggestions. Your place looks nice and roomy! Perhaps being just me (one person) I get the cupboards! ?

    1. Hi Chris,
      Even for a lady of your svelt proportions the cupboards would be a struggle. Yes, a bed and someplace to wash and do your business is all we actually need. But it also must have a good internet connection too! 🙂
      greg x0x

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