4 April 2016; Edinburgh Castle

A drowned mouse
A drowned mouse

Today we toured Edinburgh Castle. The weather started out cold and wet; and it only got colder and wetter as the day progressed. As we left the castle around 5pm, visibility had been reduced to a few tens of metres by a thick fog.

Heavy afternoon fogs are not a part of our shared experience but depsite this discomfort we enjoyed the day; enjoyed the history of conflict & resolution that Edinburgh Castle dramatises. The Royal Edinburgh Military Tatoo will never be the same again.

St Margaret’s Chapel is the oldest building on the site and also the oldest building in all of Scotland. It was constructed in the early 12th century by her son David, in memory of his mother (Queen Margaret) who died in 1093.
Rain a plenty
Rain a plenty
Greg amongst the guns
Greg amongst the guns
It's bloody cold
It’s bloody cold

These final two images were taken as we left the castle.

Looking out to the esplanade
Looking out to the esplanade
Looking back at the castle entrance
Looking back at the castle entrance

2 thoughts on “4 April 2016; Edinburgh Castle”

  1. What an adventure so far! I hope to see some amazing Castles one day too! I hope the weather clears up for you guys soon!

  2. Do you actually watch the Tattoo? It’s a bit like the Bathurst. You might have the tele on but you’re not in the same room!

    Anyway, i see you still haven’t purchased any Gortex. That’s why you’re damp and cold. And a beanie! Get a beanie. I bet you wish you had MY beanie from Brussels now, don’t you!

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