1 April 2016; The Burrell Collection and Pollok House

Today it rained. And it rained. And then it rained some more, just to make sure. I’m on the lookout for animals walking two by two.

Highland cows
Highland cows in Pollok Country Park

We went to Pollok Country Park to visit the Burrell Collection and then Pollok House. The Burrell Collection of over 8,000 items was donated in 1944 by Sir William Burrell (a very wealthy shipping magnate) to the city of Glasgow. Pollok House was gifted to the National Trust of Scotland in 1966 but remains a private residence of the Maxwell family, where they live when they visit Glasgow, having owned the land for more than 700 years.

Coffee by the gallon
Coffee by the gallon

2 thoughts on “1 April 2016; The Burrell Collection and Pollok House”

  1. Rain? Oh yes, you’re in SCOTLAND. Did you not read Wikipedia before you left? Gortex is the answer!

    There’s lots to do inside (you’re doing that), and there is food (you obviously found that), and one day the skies may clear….one day. One of the things you miss while OS is our “big sky”.

    ‘Ave a ‘oot, ma goot. That is “have a good time” in their native tongue. You seem to have gone to the motherland a little under prepared. ????????

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