E-mail has arrived!

Hi there, I’ve just added a neat plug-in from Gopo that sends e-mails when new posts are added to the Worktime website.

This actual post will result in an  e-mail coming YOUR way! Aren’t you the lucky one?

Listen to Cofi Anan as he tells you how it’s going to be from now on….

Cofi Anan lays down the law
Cofi Anan lays down the law

2 thoughts on “E-mail has arrived!”

  1. Why are you still showing Cofi Anan? He hasn’t been President of the United Nations for several years now … replaced by the fellow from South Korea who is hard to understand …

    1. WTF you racist pig!
      Kofi Anan is a cute and cuddly world hero. That fellow from South Korea talks a lot but doesn’t get much done.

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