20 April 2016; Dublin – out and about, continued

We walked to Kilmainham Gaol this morning excited about the opportunity of being locked up for a few hours but were disappointed to find all the tours for the day were already booked out. 🙁

So we returned to the city centre and visited Trinity College and the National Gallery before heading out to take up a romantic booth in one of the many Temple Bars to enjoy some live music and a refreshing drink.

Another Temple Bar, Dublin
Another Temple Bar, Dublin

It had been my cunning plan to book the final tour of the day at the Guinness Brewery in the hope of being able to drink the leftovers. The tour is about 90 minutes, self-guided and very informative, winding in a circular loop up seven levels till you reach the Gravity Bar with stunning 360 degree views of Dublin. Towards the end of the tour you get to sample some of the stuff and fortunately for me, Chris doesn’t like beer so I got her pint too – but through some dilation in space-time, we’d been turned Alice like into giants – making the drinks considerably less impressive. The mist in the following image is coming from the flux capacitor enabled time machine circuits cooling down after warping space-time with a short power burst of 1.21 gigawatts.

Giant with a Pint
Giant with a Pint

The black Guinness proved to be more potent than I had recalled and before long I was feeling disoriented. Christine appeared to me in a strange alternate reality.

Spot the Aussie
Spot the Aussie

We drifted home from the brewery for our last night in Dublin before moving onto our next Irish adventure in Kilkenny.

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