5 April 2016; Edinburgh – with sun!

This morning we visited the Royal Botanic Gardens. While it was not raining, it was overcast and cold.

Tiptoe through the tulips
Tiptoe through the tulips
I'm no shrinking violet
I’m no shrinking violet

We made our way to the National Museum of Scotland in the early afternoon. This was surprisingly vibrant; with the sounds of excited children playing with hands on exhibits – I particularly liked the drums and working models of various engines.

National Museum of Scotland
National Museum of Scotland

They have a substantial selection of stuffed animals too.

Spot the small furry creature
Spot the small furry creature

As afternoon turned to evening, the Royal Mile was bathed in sunlight – the first time we’ve seen blue skies since we departed Australia a week ago.

To round out our stay in Edinburgh, we visited St. Giles Cathedral and went on a tour of Mary King’s Close – which is a street with housing and other living spaces buried two stories underneath the current street level of the Royal Mile.

St. Giles Cathedral
St. Giles Cathedral

Hedwig’s cousin is sorry to see us leave this wondrous place; tommorrow we depart for Newcastle-Upon-Tyne.

Whooo's your daddy?
Whooo’s your daddy?

One thought on “5 April 2016; Edinburgh – with sun!”

  1. Haha….where they really tulips? A shrub of tulips? Really?

    So many good things to do and see. Maybe the yucky weather was good insofar as it allowed you lots of time to explore indoor offerings.

    St Mary’s Close was really interesting. You could get a good idea of what that wee street was like…….without the human muck that would have been there at the time! ?


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