31 March 2016; Scottish Highlands, Glencoe and Loch Ness

Today we went on a long but enjoyable day tour of the Scottish Highlands including Glencoe and Loch Ness. Along the way we visited Loch Lomond and Inverness. The weather was helpful with bursts of rain when we were in the mini-bus and sunshine when we were not. We had a boat ride onto Loch Ness and despite our best efforts to summon Nessie, she did not appear so we still have our “tree-fiddy”… Chef’s Parents – SouthPark

Urquhart Castle on Loch Ness
Urquhart Castle on Loch Ness

Greg at Glencoe Chris at Glencoe

3 thoughts on “31 March 2016; Scottish Highlands, Glencoe and Loch Ness”

  1. Ock ey, mi laddy an lassie. Thanks for the update. Lucky with the weather! More rain in Scotland than, well…anything really. Rob’s a laird of Glencoe, owning a 1×1 m square bit of bog in the parks area. A gift from a year 12 mob a few years ago. Pity about Nessy. Even the Scoots now say she was never real. There goes the magic! ENJOY

    1. Thanks Chris, If only we had known we could have saved some of the peat bog from our shoes and brought that home for the wee laddie. BTW is it true what they say about Scottish men and their kilt wearing fashion? I’m a bit shy to ask around here.

      1. No sweatski about the peat bog, man. I have a pic of me standing on the spot, knee deep (almost) in the stuff. Thank God for GPS and CSIRO and stuff.

        Hmmm, men’s kilts are not my speciality (mores the pity). I used to wear one myself to Mass in my teens. Remember the ones the girls brought home from England in the 70s? I so wish I still had that kilt! I chucked it to St Vinnies decades ago. STUPID!!!?

        Anyway, back to you. I say, when you SEE a laddy wearing his kilt, go ask. Use your best Aussie accent so you don’t get biffed. I reckon they will have been asked before and they would have a store of jolly good responses. I mean, if you’re gonna wear it, you gonna get dickheads asking, aren’t you!

        Kiss kiss smilie-face

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